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is_active_widget › WordPress Function

is_active_widget ( $callback = false, $widget_id = false, $id_base = false, $skip_inactive = true )
Parameters: (4)
  • (callable|false) $callback Optional. Widget callback to check. Default false.
    Required: No
    Default: false
  • (string|false) $widget_id Optional. Widget ID. Optional, but needed for checking. Default false.
    Required: No
    Default: false
  • (string|false) $id_base Optional. The base ID of a widget created by extending WP_Widget. Default false.
    Required: No
    Default: false
  • (bool) $skip_inactive Optional. Whether to check in 'wp_inactive_widgets'. Default true.
    Required: No
    Default: true
  • (string|false) ID of the sidebar in which the widget is active, false if the widget is not active.
Defined at:

Determines whether a given widget is displayed on the front end.

Either $callback or $id_base can be used. $id_base is the first argument when extending WP_Widget class. Without the optional $widget_id parameter, returns the ID of the first sidebar in which the first instance of the widget with the given callback or $id_base is found. With the $widget_id parameter, returns the ID of the sidebar where the widget with that callback/$id_base AND that ID is found. NOTE: $widget_id and $id_base are the same for single widgets. To be effective this function has to run after widgets have initialized, at action {@see 'init'} or later. For more information on this and similar theme functions, check out the {@link Conditional Tags} article in the Theme Developer Handbook.


function is_active_widget( $callback = false, $widget_id = false, $id_base = false, $skip_inactive = true ) {
	global $wp_registered_widgets;

	$sidebars_widgets = wp_get_sidebars_widgets();

	if ( is_array( $sidebars_widgets ) ) {
		foreach ( $sidebars_widgets as $sidebar => $widgets ) {
			if ( $skip_inactive && ( 'wp_inactive_widgets' === $sidebar || str_starts_with( $sidebar, 'orphaned_widgets' ) ) ) {

			if ( is_array( $widgets ) ) {
				foreach ( $widgets as $widget ) {
					if ( ( $callback && isset( $wp_registered_widgets[ $widget ]['callback'] ) && $wp_registered_widgets[ $widget ]['callback'] === $callback ) || ( $id_base && _get_widget_id_base( $widget ) === $id_base ) ) {
						if ( ! $widget_id || $widget_id === $wp_registered_widgets[ $widget ]['id'] ) {
							return $sidebar;
	return false;